Definition of tender




In the 15th century, the word "tender" took on a new connotation, referring to something that is delicate or vulnerable. This sense of the word is often used in phrases like "heart tender" or "skin tender." In the 17th century, the word "tender" also began to be used in the context of emotions, particularly in describing something that is emotionally tender or sentimental. Today, the word "tender" has a range of meanings, including "delicate," "sensitive," "emotional," and "offered" or "bought and sold" (as in tender a bid). Despite its many meanings, the word "tender" remains closely tied to the idea of something being offered or presented with care and attention.


kind, gentle and loving

tốt bụng, dịu dàng và yêu thương

  • tender words

    lời dịu dàng

  • What he needs now is a lot of tender loving care (= sympathetic treatment).

    Điều anh ấy cần bây giờ là rất nhiều sự quan tâm yêu thương dịu dàng (= sự đối xử thông cảm).

Extra examples:
  • He felt tender and loving towards her.

    Anh cảm thấy dịu dàng và yêu thương cô.

  • Her expression became soft, almost tender.

    Vẻ mặt cô trở nên mềm mại, gần như dịu dàng.

  • The letters to Penelope are achingly tender.

    Những lá thư gửi cho Penelope thật dịu dàng.

Related words and phrases

easy to bite through and cut

dễ dàng cắn xuyên qua và cắt

  • This meat is extremely tender.

    Thịt này cực kỳ mềm.

  • Boil the beans until they are tender.

    Luộc đậu cho đến khi mềm.

  • four large slices of tender chicken

    bốn lát thịt gà mềm lớn

Related words and phrases

painful when you touch it

đau đớn khi bạn chạm vào nó

  • My leg is still very tender where I banged it.

    Chân tôi vẫn còn rất đau ở chỗ tôi va vào.

  • The back of my neck feels very tender.

    Phía sau cổ tôi cảm thấy rất mềm.

Related words and phrases

easily hurt or damaged

dễ dàng bị tổn thương hoặc bị hư hỏng

  • tender young plants

    cây non mềm

Related words and phrases


at a tender age | at the tender age of…
used in connection with somebody who is still young and does not have much experience
  • He left home at the tender age of 15.
  • She shouldn't be having to deal with problems like this at such a tender age.