Definition of sore


đau, nhức


Definition of undefined

The word "sore" has a fascinating history. It originated from Old English "sor" or "sar," which meant "pain" or "ache." This term was likely derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*siriz," which is also the source of the Modern German word "Scherz," meaning "pain" or "anguish." The word "sore" initially referred to physical pain or injury, often caused by a wound or blow. Over time, its meaning expanded to include emotional pain, distress, or discomfort. In the 14th century, the term "sore" began to be used figuratively to describe mental or emotional anguish, such as a "sore heart" or a "sore conscience." Today, the word "sore" can refer to both physical and emotional pain, making it a versatile and widely used term in the English language.


if a part of your body is sore, it is painful, and often red, especially because of infection or because a muscle has been used too much

nếu một phần cơ thể của bạn bị đau, nó đau và thường đỏ, đặc biệt là do nhiễm trùng hoặc do cơ đã được sử dụng quá nhiều

  • to have a sore throat

    để có một đau họng

  • His feet were sore after the walk.

    Chân anh ấy bị đau sau khi đi bộ.

  • My stomach is still sore (= painful) after the operation.

    Dạ dày của tôi vẫn còn đau (= đau) sau khi phẫu thuật.

  • When I woke up my head was sore and throbbing.

    Khi tỉnh dậy, đầu tôi đau nhức và nhức nhối.

Related words and phrases

upset and angry, especially because you have been treated unfairly

khó chịu và tức giận, đặc biệt là vì bạn đã bị đối xử bất công

  • He was still sore at me for telling him he couldn't sing.

    Anh ấy vẫn còn giận tôi vì đã nói với anh ấy rằng anh ấy không thể hát.

Related words and phrases


like a bear with a sore head
in a bad mood; in an angry way
  • I should keep out of his way. He’s like a bear with a sore head this morning.
  • a sight for sore eyes
    (informal)a person or thing that you are pleased to see; something that is very pleasant to look at
    a sore point
    a subject that makes you feel angry or upset when it is mentioned
  • It's a sore point with Sue's parents that the children have not been baptized yet.
  • stand/stick out like a sore thumb
    to be very easy to notice in an unpleasant way
  • The blue building stood out like a sore thumb among the whitewashed villas.
  • If you wear a suit to the party, you’ll stand out like a sore thumb.