Definition of temperate


khí hậu ôn hòa


The origin of the word "temperate" can be traced back to the Latin adjective "temperatus," which means "moderate" or "restrained." This word was used to describe individuals who exhibited a sense of self-control and avoided excessive behavior, both in their personal lives and in their interactions with others. The modern English word "temperate" carries a similar connotation, but has a slightly different meaning. While "temperate" still implies a sense of moderation, it now specifically refers to environments or climates that are not too extreme in their temperatures. In other words, a temperate climate is one that falls between the scorching heat of a tropical region and the near-constant cold of an arctic one. The usage of "temperate" in this context first appeared in the late 16th century, as explorers and scholars became more aware of the varied climates that existed around the world. Today, the word continues to be used in scientific and academic contexts to describe regions with relatively mild temperatures, such as the western coast of North America or the southern portion of Europe.


having a mild temperature without extremes of heat or cold

có nhiệt độ ôn hòa mà không quá nóng hoặc lạnh

  • a country with a temperate climate

    một đất nước có khí hậu ôn hòa

Extra examples:
  • In winter, the birds fly from the Arctic to more temperate zones.

    Vào mùa đông, những con chim bay từ Bắc Cực đến những vùng ôn đới hơn.

  • The temperate latitudes were once much colder than they are today.

    Các vĩ độ ôn đới đã từng lạnh hơn nhiều so với ngày nay.

  • These plants are only found in temperate regions.

    Những cây này chỉ được tìm thấy ở vùng ôn đới.

behaving in a calm way and with control

cư xử một cách bình tĩnh và có kiểm soát

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