Definition of tech


công nghệ


The word "tech" is a shortened form of the word "technology," which originated in the late 19th century. Technology itself can be traced back to the Greek word "tekhne," meaning "art" or "craft." However, during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, the idea of technology as a distinct field emerged, particularly in engineering and scientific disciplines. The term "tech" first gained popularity in the 1950s and 1960s when the field of technology management emerged. The term was a way to describe the business and administrative side of technology, as opposed to the engineering and scientific aspects. This period also saw the rise of technology companies, such as IBM and Microsoft, leading to greater awareness and use of the term. In recent decades, the use of "tech" has expanded to encompass a broader range of industries and applications, including information technology, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and more. The term has also become colloquial, used in everyday language to refer to devices, software, and other technologies. Overall, the word "tech" reflects the growing importance and pervasiveness of technology in society, as well as the need to distinguish between the various fields and applications within the broader field of technology.


scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry, for example in designing new machines

kiến thức khoa học được sử dụng trong thực tế trong công nghiệp, ví dụ như trong việc thiết kế máy móc mới

machines or equipment designed using technology

máy móc hoặc thiết bị được thiết kế sử dụng công nghệ

  • tech companies

    công ty công nghệ

  • This gadget is a great new piece of tech.

    Tiện ích này là một phần công nghệ mới tuyệt vời.

Related words and phrases

technical college (a college where students can study mainly practical subjects)

trường cao đẳng kỹ thuật (một trường cao đẳng nơi sinh viên có thể học chủ yếu các môn thực hành)

  • He teaches at the local tech.

    Anh ấy dạy ở trường công nghệ địa phương.

a technician (= a person whose job is keeping a particular type of equipment or machinery in good condition)

một kỹ thuật viên (= một người có công việc giữ một loại thiết bị hoặc máy móc cụ thể ở tình trạng tốt)

  • She's a lab tech at the university.

    Cô ấy là kỹ thuật viên phòng thí nghiệm ở trường đại học.