Definition of tap for

tap forphrasal verb

gõ để


The phrase "tap for" has its origin in military tradition, specifically in relation to paying homage to fallen soldiers. It dates back to the mid-19th century when soldiers would drink from a communal drinking vessel called a "tot" or "flagon." During this ritual, when a soldier died, the tot would be covered with a cloth, and the remaining soldiers would tap on the decorated cloth with their fingers, symbolic of a tap on a barrel, before drinking as a sign of mourning and respect. This tradition served as a precursor to the modern-day custom of having two silent minutes in memory of deceased soldiers, in which people are encouraged to tap their phones or other objects as a way of remembering and honoring the fallen. Today, the phrase "tap for" is commonly used to introduce a moment of silence at military ceremonies and events, as well as during the playing of the Last Post, a traditional bugle call played to salute the dead in the military.

  • She softly tapped her foot to the rhythm of the music.

    Cô nhẹ nhàng nhịp chân theo nhịp điệu của bản nhạc.

  • The chicken tapped on the windowpane, signaling for food.

    Con gà gõ vào cửa sổ để ra hiệu xin đồ ăn.

  • The dancer's toes tapped in time with the beat of the drums.

    Các ngón chân của vũ công nhịp nhàng theo nhịp trống.

  • The hammer consistently tapped against the metal object, making a distinctive sound.

    Chiếc búa liên tục gõ vào vật kim loại, tạo ra âm thanh đặc trưng.

  • The sink's faucet tapped slowly as she waited for the water to turn hot.

    Vòi nước ở bồn rửa chảy chậm rãi khi cô đợi nước nóng.

  • He tapped his pen against the desk, trying to come up with an idea.

    Anh gõ bút xuống bàn, cố gắng nghĩ ra một ý tưởng.

  • The beer glasses clinked together as they tapped them to toast.

    Những chiếc ly bia chạm vào nhau leng keng khi họ chạm vào nhau để chúc mừng.

  • The carpenter had to use a hammer to tap the nails into place.

    Người thợ mộc phải dùng búa để đóng đinh vào đúng vị trí.

  • The snow tapped against the window, creating a soothing sound.

    Tuyết đập vào cửa sổ tạo nên âm thanh êm dịu.

  • She playfully tapped his elbow, trying to get his attention.

    Cô bé vui vẻ chạm vào khuỷu tay anh, cố gắng thu hút sự chú ý của anh.