Definition of symbiosis


sự cộng sinh


The word "symbiosis" has a fascinating origin. It was coined by German microbiologist Hermann Haeckel in 1878. Haeckel was studying the relationship between certain species of algae and bacteria that live together in a mutualistic relationship. He introduced the term "symbiosis" from the Greek words "sym", meaning "together", and "biosis", meaning "liver". He used it to describe the close and often obligatory relationships between different species of organisms that live together, often in a specific environment. Over time, the concept of symbiosis has expanded to include not only mutualistic relationships but also parasitic and commensal relationships, leading to a deeper understanding of the complex interactions within ecosystems.


the relationship between two different living creatures that live close together and depend on each other in particular ways, each getting particular benefits from the other

mối quan hệ giữa hai sinh vật sống khác nhau sống gần nhau và phụ thuộc vào nhau theo những cách cụ thể, mỗi bên nhận được những lợi ích cụ thể từ bên kia

  • The birds live in symbiosis with the cattle, picking insects from their skin to eat.

    Chim sống cộng sinh với gia súc, lấy côn trùng từ da để ăn.

a relationship between people, companies, etc. that is to the advantage of both

mối quan hệ giữa con người, công ty, v.v. có lợi cho cả hai bên

  • She imagined us living in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis.

    Cô ấy tưởng tượng chúng tôi sống trong sự cộng sinh hoàn hảo giữa mẹ và con gái.