Definition of sterilization


khử trùng


The word "sterilization" has its roots in the late 14th century Latin word "sterilis," meaning "barren" or "fruitless." This Latin term was derived from the Greek words "sterēros" (without) and "ilē" (fruit). Initially, the term referred to the loss of fertility in humans or animals. The modern concept of sterilization as a medical procedure to render objects or substances germ-free emerged in the 19th century. The word "sterilization" was coined in the 1860s to describe this process. In the early 1880s, German pharmacist Robert Koch and Scottish surgeon Joseph Lister independently developed methods for sterilizing instruments and equipment, further establishing the term. Over time, the meaning of "sterilization" expanded to include not only medical procedures but also agricultural and environmental practices aimed at preventing the spread of disease-causing microorganisms. Today, the term is widely used in various fields, from medicine to food processing.


the act of killing the bacteria in or on something

hành động tiêu diệt vi khuẩn trong hoặc trên một vật gì đó

  • Adequate sterilization of medical and surgical instruments is essential.

    Việc khử trùng đầy đủ các dụng cụ y tế và phẫu thuật là điều cần thiết.

the act of making a person or an animal unable to have babies, especially by removing or blocking their sex organs

hành động khiến một người hoặc một con vật không thể sinh con, đặc biệt là bằng cách cắt bỏ hoặc chặn cơ quan sinh dục của họ

  • the sterilization of stray dogs and cats

    việc triệt sản chó và mèo hoang