Definition of speculatively


suy đoán


The word "speculatively" has its roots in the Latin word "speculare," which means "to gaze" or "to look." This Latin word is also the source of the English word "speculate," which means "to look or examine closely" or "to form an opinion or hypothesis." In the 15th century, the Latin word "speculare" was adapted into Middle English as "speculatif," which referred to a speculative or theoretical approach to understanding or explaining something. Over time, this word evolved into "speculatively," which means "in a speculative or theoretically-based manner" or "as a matter of speculation or hypothesis." Today, the word "speculatively" is often used in academic or scientific contexts to describe a method of reasoning or inquiry that is based on theoretical assumptions or hypothetical scenarios rather than empirical evidence.


in a way that is based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts

theo cách dựa trên sự phỏng đoán hoặc dựa trên các ý kiến ​​đã hình thành mà không biết tất cả các sự kiện

  • We do not know the answer to this question, and it can only be answered speculatively.

    Chúng ta không biết câu trả lời cho câu hỏi này và chỉ có thể trả lời bằng suy đoán.

in a way that shows that you are trying to guess something

theo cách cho thấy bạn đang cố đoán điều gì đó

  • She paused and looked speculatively at Angelo.

    Cô dừng lại và nhìn Angelo với vẻ suy đoán.

in the hope of making a profit while involving the risk of losing money

với hy vọng kiếm được lợi nhuận trong khi phải chịu rủi ro mất tiền

  • The amount of office space being built speculatively is likely to decrease as economic growth slows.

    Lượng không gian văn phòng được xây dựng theo kiểu đầu cơ có khả năng sẽ giảm khi tăng trưởng kinh tế chậm lại.