Definition of spam


thư rác


Definition of undefined

The origin of the word "spam" in reference to unwanted or junk messages dates back to the 1980s. The term is believed to have originated from a Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch in 1970, called "Spam," which featured a group of Vikings singing a song with the refrain "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam." The scene was filled with repetitive mentions of the canned meat product, and the word became a punchline. In the early 1980s, a computer user named Debian developer Rich Skrenta created a program that sent out unsolicited emails with the subject "Spam." This was done as an experiment to test email sending capabilities, but the term stuck. Over time, the phrase "spam" became synonymous with unwanted messages, including emails, text messages, and other digital communications. The term has since been adopted globally and is widely used to describe any unwanted or repetitive content.


advertising material sent by email to people who have not asked for it; advertising material on the internet that is not wanted

tài liệu quảng cáo được gửi qua email cho những người chưa yêu cầu; tài liệu quảng cáo trên internet không được mong muốn

  • to send/block spam

    để gửi/chặn thư rác

  • I get thousands of spam emails each month.

    Tôi nhận được hàng nghìn email spam mỗi tháng.

  • Tougher laws and improved spam filters can help cut down on spam reaching your inbox.

    Luật nghiêm ngặt hơn và bộ lọc thư rác được cải tiến có thể giúp giảm lượng thư rác tiếp cận hộp thư đến của bạn.

  • The guidelines warn against posting spam.

    Các hướng dẫn cảnh báo chống lại việc đăng thư rác.

Related words and phrases

cooked meat that has been cut up in very small pieces that are pressed together in a container, usually sold in cans and served cold in slices

thịt nấu chín được cắt thành từng miếng rất nhỏ được ép lại với nhau trong hộp, thường được bán trong lon và phục vụ lạnh theo từng lát

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