Definition of sopping


thấm đẫm


The origin of the word "sopping" can be traced back to the Old English word "soppian," meaning "to soak." In Middle English, the word evolved into "soppynge," which referred to the act of soaking food in liquid to make it easier to eat. In its original meaning, sopping had nothing to do with wetting things on purpose; it simply described the natural process of food getting soggy when left soaked for too long. Over time, the word came to have a secondary meaning, referring to the act of completely saturating something with liquid, especially in a deliberate and excessive way. This secondary meaning is thought to have emerged in the 16th century, when "sopping wet" first appeared in the English language. Today, "sopping" is commonly used to describe something that is excessively moist or wet, as in "the floor was sopping after the rainstorm."

  • After the heavy rain, the sidewalk was sopping wet, making it slippery for pedestrians.

    Sau trận mưa lớn, vỉa hè ướt sũng, khiến người đi bộ dễ trơn trượt.

  • The towel I used to dry the dishes was sopping wet when I hung it up to air dry.

    Chiếc khăn tôi dùng để lau khô bát đĩa ướt sũng khi tôi treo nó lên để phơi khô.

  • My feet were sopping after walking through the puddles in my shoes.

    Chân tôi ướt đẫm sau khi đi qua vũng nước bằng giày.

  • The sponge was sopping when I squeezed it out, indicating it had absorbed all the water I had poured onto it.

    Miếng bọt biển đã thấm đẫm nước khi tôi bóp nó ra, điều này cho thấy nó đã hấp thụ hết lượng nước tôi đã đổ vào.

  • The baby's jumpsuit was sopping after she had a bath and I failed to wring it out properly.

    Bộ đồ liền quần của em bé ướt đẫm sau khi tắm và tôi đã không vắt khô nó cẩn thận.

  • The carpet was sopping after the water pipe burst in the kitchen, causing a flood.

    Tấm thảm bị ướt sau khi đường ống nước trong bếp bị vỡ, gây ra lũ lụt.

  • The laundry was sopping wet as I hung it up to dry in the garden.

    Quần áo giặt ướt sũng khi tôi phơi chúng ngoài vườn.

  • After spending the day on the beach, my shorts were sopping due to the saltwater.

    Sau một ngày trên bãi biển, quần short của tôi ướt đẫm vì nước mặn.

  • The bread was sopping in the wet sponge mixture, making it impossible to shape into rolls.

    Bánh mì bị ngấm hỗn hợp bột xốp ướt, khiến cho việc tạo hình thành cuộn trở nên không thể thực hiện được.

  • The grass was sopping under my feet as I walked through the dewy park in the early morning hours.

    Cỏ ướt đẫm dưới chân tôi khi tôi đi qua công viên đầy sương vào sáng sớm.