Definition of laden




The word "laden" originated from the Old English "hladen" which meant "to load, weigh down, or burden." This Old English word is believed to have derived from the Proto-Germanic "*khlathjan" meaning "to lay or place." In Old English, "hladen" was spelled with the letter "ð," which is pronounced like the "th" in "thick" or "the" in modern English. However, over time, the letter "ð" gradually fell out of use in English, and by the 13th century, the spelling of "hladen" had changed to "laden." The prefix "un-" was often added to "laden" to create the word "unladen," meaning "not loaded." The verb form "lades" and "laden" have the same origin, with the irregular past tense form "laden" arising due to linguistic changes over time. Today, the word "laden" is used in a variety of contexts, such as "the ship was heavily laden with cargo" or "the truck was laden with apples for the farmers' market."


heavily loaded with something

tải nặng nề với một cái gì đó

  • passengers laden with luggage

    hành khách chất đầy hành lý

  • The trees were laden with apples.

    Những cái cây trĩu nặng táo.

  • a heavily/fully laden truck

    một chiếc xe tải nặng nề/đầy tải

Extra examples:
  • They arrived laden with gifts.

    Họ đến với đầy quà.

  • a fully laden basket

    một cái giỏ đầy ắp

Related words and phrases

full of something, especially something unpleasant

đầy đủ một cái gì đó, đặc biệt là một cái gì đó khó chịu

  • His voice was soft, yet laden with threat.

    Giọng nói của hắn nhẹ nhàng nhưng lại đầy đe dọa.

  • Try to avoid discussing emotionally laden subjects.

    Cố gắng tránh thảo luận về những chủ đề đầy cảm xúc.

used to form adjectives showing that something is full of, or loaded with, the thing mentioned

được sử dụng để hình thành tính từ chỉ ra rằng một cái gì đó có đầy đủ hoặc chứa đầy sự vật được đề cập

  • calorie-laden cream cakes

    bánh kem nhiều calo