Definition of sobriety


sự tỉnh táo


The word "sobriety" originated from the Latin "sobrietatem", which means "temperance" or "moderation". The term was first used in the 15th century to describe a state of being sober, as opposed to being drunk or intoxicated. Over time, the meaning of the word expanded to encompass the concept of moral and spiritual discipline, as well as the suppression of excess or intemperance. In Christian theology, sobriety was seen as a virtue, and believers were encouraged to maintain sobriety as a way to demonstrate their devotion to God and their commitment to moral living. Today, the term is often used in the context of alcoholism and addiction recovery, referring to a state of being free from addictive substances and behaviors.


the state of not being drunk

trạng thái không say

  • I can assure you I'm in a state of complete sobriety.

    Tôi có thể đảm bảo với bạn rằng tôi hoàn toàn tỉnh táo.

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the condition of having completely stopped drinking alcohol, especially after being an alcoholic (= somebody who regularly drinks too much alcohol and cannot stop)

tình trạng đã hoàn toàn ngừng uống rượu, đặc biệt là sau khi nghiện rượu (= người thường xuyên uống quá nhiều rượu và không thể dừng lại)

  • He's celebrating 12 months of sobriety.

    Anh ấy đang kỷ niệm 12 tháng cai rượu.

  • It's been a long hard road to sobriety for her.

    Đó là một con đường dài khó khăn để tỉnh táo đối với cô ấy.

the fact of being sensible and serious

sự thật là sáng suốt và nghiêm túc

  • She was a model of sobriety and honesty.

    Bà là hình mẫu của sự tỉnh táo và trung thực.

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