Definition of sob


khóc nức nở


The word "sob" originated from the Old English word "swebban," which meant "to quake" or "shake." This word was used not only to describe physical shaking but also to denote a loud, convulsive breath taken during intense emotion, such as grief or fear. In the Middle English period (1100-1500 AD), the word evolved into "swbben" and "swibben," which still had the connotation of trembling or quaking, as well as the sense of a strong breath expelled during strong emotion. Around the late 1400s, the word shifted to its modern form "sob" as we know it today, primarily in reference to the mournful breath taken during a fit of grief or sadness. Some linguists speculate that the word "sob" may have also been influenced by the Old Norse word "hrubba," which meant "to snuffle" or "snort," as the sound of a sob is often likened to that of a snuffle or a loud sniffle. In any case, today "sob" remains a distinctive way to describe the sound and action of someone overcome with strong emotion, serving as a poignant reminder of the depths of human feeling.


to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths

khóc ầm ĩ, thở gấp, đột ngột

  • I heard a child sobbing loudly.

    Tôi nghe thấy một đứa trẻ đang khóc nức nở.

  • He started to sob uncontrollably.

    Anh bắt đầu nức nở không kiểm soát được.

Extra examples:
  • She began sobbing into her pillow.

    Cô bắt đầu nức nở vào gối.

  • He was pleading, almost sobbing, first silently and then aloud.

    Anh đang cầu xin, gần như nức nở, lúc đầu là im lặng, sau đó là lớn tiếng.

  • She was sobbing with pain and fear.

    Cô khóc nức nở vì đau đớn và sợ hãi.

to say something while you are crying

nói điều gì đó trong khi bạn đang khóc

  • ‘I hate him,’ she sobbed.

    “Tôi ghét anh ta,” cô nức nở.

  • He sobbed out his troubles.

    Anh ấy đã khóc nức nở về những rắc rối của mình.


sob your heart out
to cry noisily for a long time because you are very sad
  • She flung herself at his chest and sobbed her heart out.