Definition of snoot




The word "snoot" has its origins in the late 19th century among photographers. A snoot was a cone-shaped attachment that was placed over the flash on a camera to help control and focus the light. The term likely comes from the Old English word "snut" or "snoute," meaning "nose" or "beak." The snoot allowed photographers to direct the harsh, often unflattering light from a flash onto a specific area of the subject, creating a more flattering or dramatic effect. Over time, the term "snoot" has expanded to describe any device or screen that is used to direct or control light in photography, cinematography, or even makeup. Today, snoots are used by professionals and enthusiasts alike to add depth and dimension to their work.


a person’s nose

mũi của một người

a person who treats other people as if they are not as good or as important as them

một người đối xử với người khác như thể họ không tốt hoặc không quan trọng bằng họ