Definition of perfume


nước hoa


The word "perfume" has its origins in the Latin word "per fumus," which translates to "through smoke." This name was given to fragrances during ancient times because early perfumes were created by burning natural ingredients such as resins, herbs, and woods, and then collecting the resulting smoke to distill the scent into a liquid form. The practice of creating perfumes through smoke distillation is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, where perfumes were considered a luxury item and were often used in religious ceremonies as well as personal care. The ancient Greeks and Romans continued this tradition and used perfumes as a symbol of wealth, status, and beauty. The modern use of the word "perfume" can be traced back to the Middle Ages when the tradition of using natural ingredients in scent creation continued. Over time, new methods for creating perfume were discovered, such as infusing oils with plant extracts and distilling essential oils. The term "perfume" began to refer to these fragrances, which were often elaborately packaged and considered a luxury item. Today, perfumes are widely available and come in a variety of scents and formulations. Despite their evolution, the essence of a perfume- a carefully crafted blend of natural and synthetic ingredients that can transport one's senses- remains a testament to the enduring appeal of perfume throughout history.


a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice

một chất lỏng, thường được làm từ hoa, được bôi lên da để tạo mùi thơm dễ chịu

  • a bottle of expensive perfume

    một chai nước hoa đắt tiền

  • We stock a wide range of perfumes.

    Chúng tôi có nhiều loại nước hoa.

  • the perfume counter of the store

    quầy nước hoa của cửa hàng

  • She was wearing too much perfume.

    Cô ấy xức quá nhiều nước hoa.

  • There was strong smell of cheap perfume in the car.

    Trong xe nồng nặc mùi nước hoa rẻ tiền.

Extra examples:
  • He caught a faint whiff of her expensive perfume.

    Anh ngửi thấy mùi nước hoa đắt tiền thoang thoảng của cô.

  • She dabbed some perfume on her wrists.

    Cô xức chút nước hoa lên cổ tay.

  • She reeked of cheap perfume.

    Người cô ta nồng nặc mùi nước hoa rẻ tiền.

  • She works on the perfume counter.

    Cô ấy làm việc ở quầy nước hoa.

  • The letter had been sprayed with perfume.

    Bức thư đã được xịt nước hoa.

Related words and phrases

a pleasant, often sweet, smell

một mùi dễ chịu, thường ngọt ngào

  • the heady perfume of the roses

    hương thơm nồng nàn của hoa hồng

Extra examples:
  • The perfume of the roses filled the room.

    Hương thơm của hoa hồng tràn ngập căn phòng.

  • You could smell the perfume of the lilies.

    Bạn có thể ngửi thấy mùi thơm của hoa huệ.

  • The perfume of orange blossom filled the air.

    Hương thơm của hoa cam tràn ngập không khí.

  • The roses gave off a heady perfume.

    Những bông hồng tỏa hương thơm nồng nàn.

  • The lilies release their heady perfume in the evening.

    Hoa huệ tỏa hương thơm nồng nàn vào buổi tối.

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