Definition of skittle




The word "skittle" has roots in medieval English and can be traced back to the Middle Dutch word "schutle," meaning a small object or pebble. When the Dutch settled in the Low Countries, they introduced the game of skittles to England, which involved knocking down nine pins (or skittles) positioned in a triangle. The small objects used to mark the pins were also called skittles. As the game evolved, skittles became known as "pins and rings," and the small objects became known as "skittles." In the late 19th century, a new game called "skittles" (also known as "gutterskittles") was developed, using smaller objects called skittles, which were placed in a wooden frame with a gutter running down the center. This game is still played today in some parts of England, Wales, and Australia. In the early 20th century, a candy manufacturer named Edwin Binney III invented a colorful, spherical candy called "skittles" in honor of the game. The candies were meant to be thrown, just like the skittles in the game, and were an instant success. Today, Skittles are a popular candy in many parts of the world, and the word "skittle" is commonly used to refer not only to the candy but also to the small, colored candies themselves.


a wooden or plastic object used in the game of skittles

một vật bằng gỗ hoặc nhựa được sử dụng trong trò chơi skittles

(in Britain) a game in which players roll a ball at nine skittles and try to knock over as many of them as possible

(ở Anh) một trò chơi trong đó người chơi lăn một quả bóng ở chín chiếc skittle và cố gắng làm đổ càng nhiều quả bóng càng tốt

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