Definition of shudder


rùng mình


The word "shudder" has a fascinating history! The verb "shudder" originates from the Old English word "scodon," which means "to tremble" or "to quiver." This word is derived from the Proto-Germanic word "*skudiz," which is related to the Proto-Indo-European root "*skeud-," meaning "to shake" or "to throw." The modern English verb "shudder" emerged in the 14th century, initially with the sense of "to tremble with fear or cold." Over time, the word's meaning expanded to include the idea of "to feel a crawling, creeping or prickling sensation" on one's skin, often in response to something unpleasant or frightening. In the 19th century, the phrase "shudder to think" became a popular idiom, implying a feeling of horror or revulsion at the thought of something. Today, "shudder" is used in a range of contexts, from describing physical reactions to conveying emotional responses.


to shake because you are cold or frightened, or because of a strong feeling

run rẩy vì lạnh hoặc sợ hãi, hoặc vì cảm giác mạnh

  • Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder.

    Chỉ nghĩ đến vụ tai nạn thôi cũng khiến tôi rùng mình.

  • Alone in the car, she shuddered with fear.

    Một mình trong xe, cô rùng mình sợ hãi.

  • I shuddered at the thought of all the trouble I'd caused.

    Tôi rùng mình khi nghĩ đến tất cả những rắc rối mình đã gây ra.

  • I shudder to think how much this is all going to cost (= I don't want to think about it because it is too unpleasant).

    Tôi rùng mình khi nghĩ tất cả những thứ này sẽ tốn bao nhiêu tiền (= tôi không muốn nghĩ về nó vì nó quá khó chịu).

Extra examples:
  • She shuddered involuntarily as he approached her.

    Cô bất giác rùng mình khi anh đến gần cô.

  • The sight of the dead body made them shudder.

    Nhìn thấy xác chết khiến họ rùng mình.

  • A deep sigh shuddered through her body.

    Một tiếng thở dài sâu rùng mình xuyên qua cơ thể cô.

  • His whole body shuddered with fury.

    Toàn thân anh run lên vì giận dữ.

  • Joe shuddered in disgust.

    Joe rùng mình vì ghê tởm.

  • She shuddered at the memory of school exams.

    Cô rùng mình khi nhớ lại những kỳ thi ở trường.

to shake very hard

lắc rất mạnh

  • The bus shuddered to a halt.

    Chiếc xe buýt rùng mình dừng lại.

  • The floor was shuddering beneath us.

    Sàn nhà rung chuyển bên dưới chúng tôi.

Extra examples:
  • The boat's engines shuddered, and it began to leave the shore.

    Động cơ của con thuyền rung chuyển và nó bắt đầu rời khỏi bờ.

  • The plane was lurching and shuddering in the storm.

    Chiếc máy bay chao đảo và rung chuyển trong cơn bão.


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.