Definition of shove



The word "shove" comes from the Old English word "scofan" which in turn comes from the Germanic words "skafon" meaning "push" or "shove" and "an" meaning "again." In Old English, the word "scofan" referred to an action of pushing or shoving again. In Middle English, the word "shouwen" was used to refer to an action of pushing or shoving again, following the Old English usage. The word "shove" was derived from the Old English word "scofan" and ultimately from the Germanic words "skafon" and "an." Over time, the meaning of "shove" evolved to include any action of pushing or shoving, particularly in the context of physical labor or transportation. It came to describe any action of pushing or shoving in a specific context or situation, particularly in the context of physical labor or transportation. Today, "shove" is still used to describe any action of pushing or shoving, particularly in the context of physical labor or transportation. In summary, the word "shove" originated in Old English from the Germanic words "skafon" and "an," which mean "push" or "shove" and "again," respectively. Its original meaning referred to an action of pushing or shoving again, but its meaning evolved to include any action of pushing or shoving, particularly in the context of physical labor or transportation.


to push somebody/something in a rough way

đẩy ai/cái gì một cách thô bạo

  • The crowd was pushing and shoving to get a better view.

    Đám đông chen lấn xô đẩy để có tầm nhìn rõ hơn.

  • The door wouldn't open no matter how hard she shoved.

    Cánh cửa không chịu mở dù cô có đẩy mạnh thế nào.

  • He shoved her down the stairs.

    Anh đẩy cô xuống cầu thang.

Extra examples:
  • He shoved me roughly aside.

    Anh thô bạo đẩy tôi sang một bên.

  • He was shoved to the ground.

    Anh ta bị đẩy xuống đất.

  • He shoved the girl out of his way.

    Anh đẩy cô gái ra khỏi đường đi.

  • We shoved our way through the crowd.

    Chúng tôi chen lấn qua đám đông.

  • Harry was shoving his way to the front of the hall.

    Harry đang chen lấn tới phía trước hành lang.

to put something somewhere roughly or carelessly

đặt cái gì đó ở đâu đó một cách thô bạo hoặc bất cẩn

  • She shoved the book into her bag and hurried off.

    Cô nhét cuốn sách vào túi rồi vội vã rời đi.

  • He came over and shoved a piece of paper into my hand.

    Anh bước tới và nhét một mảnh giấy vào tay tôi.

  • Shove your suitcase under the bed.

    Nhét vali của bạn dưới gầm giường.

  • Could he be lying? She shoved the thought to the back of her mind.

    Có thể nào anh ấy đang nói dối? Cô đẩy suy nghĩ đó ra sau đầu.

Extra examples:
  • A leaflet was shoved through my letter box.

    Một tờ rơi được nhét vào hộp thư của tôi.

  • She shoved the letter in a drawer.

    Cô nhét lá thư vào ngăn kéo.


shove it
(especially North American English, informal)used to say rudely that you will not accept or do something
  • ‘The boss wants that report now.’ ‘Yeah? Tell him he can shove it.’