Definition of seedbed


luống gieo hạt


The word "seedbed" has a straightforward origin, stemming directly from its components: "seed" and "bed." "Seed" is an Old English word, reflecting the inherent function of the word - the small, often tiny, plant embryo that is the beginning of a plant's life. "Bed" also has ancient roots in Old English, signifying a prepared surface or layer for resting or lying. Therefore, "seedbed" simply combines these concepts, signifying a prepared surface or layer specifically designed for planting seeds. It's a natural and descriptive word reflecting the fundamental act of sowing seeds for growth.


an area of soil which has been specially prepared for planting seeds in

một vùng đất được chuẩn bị đặc biệt để gieo hạt

a place or situation in which something can develop

một nơi hoặc tình huống trong đó một cái gì đó có thể phát triển

  • a seedbed for ideas

    nơi ươm mầm ý tưởng

  • A secure environment is the seedbed of emotional growth.

    Một môi trường an toàn là mầm mống cho sự phát triển cảm xúc.