Definition of scrub




The word "scrub" originated from the Old Norse word "hreppr," which meant rough or coarse. When the Vikings invaded England in the 9th century, this word was incorporated into the Old English language. Over time, the word "hreppr" was modified into "scraben," which meant a rough, uninhabited area. In the 14th century, the word "scrubbe" appeared, which meant a crude or rough person. This meaning evolved to refer to a person who worked as a farmhand or laborer, as their work involved rough and manual tasks. In the 16th century, the meaning of "scrubbe" expanded to refer to a lowly person or outcast. This meaning was influenced by the use of the word "scrub" to refer to a rough, uninhabitable place. The association between the word "scrub" and cleaning began in the mid-19th century. "Scrubbing" referred to the act of using a rough brush or sponge to remove dirt and grime from surfaces. This meaning was likely influenced by the motion required to scrub, which involved vigorous and rough movements. Today, "scrub" is commonly used in connection with cleaning and refers to a person or cleaner designated to perform this task. The word has shed its negative connotations of the past and now connotes cleanliness and hygiene.


to clean something by rubbing it hard, especially with a brush and usually with soap and water

làm sạch cái gì đó bằng cách chà xát mạnh, đặc biệt là bằng bàn chải và thường bằng xà phòng và nước

  • I found him in the kitchen, scrubbing the floor.

    Tôi tìm thấy anh ấy trong bếp, đang lau sàn nhà.

  • He stepped into the shower and scrubbed himself all over.

    Anh bước vào phòng tắm và kỳ cọ khắp người.

  • She scrubbed the counters down with bleach.

    Cô ấy chà sạch quầy bằng thuốc tẩy.

  • The woman scrubbed at her face with a tissue.

    Người phụ nữ lau mặt bằng khăn giấy.

  • Scrub the vegetables clean.

    Rửa sạch rau.

Extra examples:
  • He scrubbed the mud from his shoes.

    Anh ta chà sạch bùn khỏi giày.

  • The table had been scrubbed clean.

    Chiếc bàn đã được lau chùi sạch sẽ.

  • his freshly scrubbed face

    khuôn mặt mới được rửa sạch của anh ấy

to cancel something that you have arranged to do

hủy bỏ một cái gì đó mà bạn đã sắp xếp để làm