Definition of scout


Hướng đạo sinh


The word "scout" originated in the late 1800s and is believed to have been adopted from the French word "écoute," which means "listen" or "heed." In 1857, during the Franco-German War, a group of boys in Roquelaure, France were recruited as spies and messengers to gather intelligence on behalf of the French army. They were called "écouteurs," which means "listeners" or "heeders." When Lord Baden-Powell, a British Army officer, was invited to advance the methods of instruction and physical training for the Boy's Brigade in London in 1899, he incorporated the idea of the "écouteur" into his scouting program. Baden-Powell called his program "Boy Scouts," given that they were an additional branch of a girls' organization, later expanded to include girls in its own right. The name "scout" was chosen to reflect the observation and listening abilities required in Baden-Powell's original version of scouting. In summary, the word "scout" originated from the French word "écoute," which was derived from the Italian verb "asciutare," meaning "to listen" or "to hear attentively." It was incorporated into Baden-Powell's scouting program, and the name "scout" has been used to denote members of scouting organizations worldwide.


an organization (in the UK, officially called the Scout Association) originally for boys, which trains young people in practical skills and does a lot of activities with them, for example camping

một tổ chức (ở Anh, có tên chính thức là Hiệp hội Hướng đạo) ban đầu dành cho nam sinh, đào tạo thanh thiếu niên các kỹ năng thực tế và thực hiện nhiều hoạt động cùng với họ, ví dụ như cắm trại

  • to join the Scouts

    tham gia Hướng đạo sinh

  • My brother is in the Scouts.

    Anh trai tôi ở trong Hướng đạo sinh.

  • I learned how to tie knots in the Scouts.

    Tôi đã học cách thắt nút trong Hướng đạo sinh.

Related words and phrases

a boy or girl who is a member of the Scouts

một cậu bé hay cô gái là thành viên của Hướng đạo sinh

  • Both my brothers were scouts.

    Cả hai anh em tôi đều là trinh sát.

  • a scout troop

    một đội trinh sát

a person, an aircraft, etc. sent ahead to get information about the enemy’s position, strength, etc.

một người, một chiếc máy bay, v.v. được cử đi trước để lấy thông tin về vị trí, sức mạnh của địch, v.v.

  • The commander sent out a scout to see if the road was clear.

    Người chỉ huy cử người đi trinh sát xem đường có thông thoáng không.

an act of getting information by looking around an area

một hành động thu thập thông tin bằng cách nhìn xung quanh một khu vực

  • I'll have a scout around and see if there's anyone here.

    Tôi sẽ cử trinh sát xung quanh xem có ai ở đây không.

a person whose job is to find people who are good at singing, acting, sport, etc. in order to give them work

một người có công việc là tìm những người giỏi ca hát, diễn xuất, thể thao, v.v. để giao cho họ công việc