Definition of scion




The word "scion" refers to a young shoot or branch that has been detached from its parent plant or tree. The origin of this word can be traced back to the Middle English word "scan," which meant "shoot" or "sprout." This word, in turn, came from the Old English word "sceon," which had a similar meaning. The usage of the word "scion" evolved over time, and it came to refer specifically to a cutting or a graft that has been intentionally separated from its parent plant or tree. The hope is that the scion will take root and grow into a new and healthy plant. In addition to its botanical usage, the word "scion" is sometimes used in a figurative sense to describe someone or something that comes from a notable or prestigious lineage. In this context, a "scion of the aristocracy" would be a member of a wealthy and influential family. Overall, the origins and evolution of the word "scion" provide insight into our historical relationship with plants and highlight the importance we have placed on propagating and cultivating desirable traits over time.


a young member of a family, especially a famous or important one

một thành viên trẻ của một gia đình, đặc biệt là một người nổi tiếng hoặc quan trọng

a piece of a plant, especially one cut to make a new plant

một mảnh của một cái cây, đặc biệt là một vết cắt để tạo thành một cái cây mới