Definition of scenario


kịch bản


The word "scenario" originated from the Italian word "scenario," which means "visual backdrop" or "scene." It originally referred to a painted or drawn background used in theatrical performances during the Renaissance period. The background depicting the setting of the play was called a "scenario," and it helped the actors and audience visualize and immerse themselves in the scene. As the use of background paintings declined in theater, the term "scenario" was adopted by movie producers in the late 19th century. In this context, a scenario referred to a brief written description of a play, story, or movie's events. It was essentially an outline of the plot, character development, and setting required to produce the film. The scenario helped the movie studio plan and organize the complex processes of pre-production, production, and post-production. Today, the term "scenario" is used colloquially to refer to a possible outcome or sequence of events that may occur in a particular situation, particularly in business or strategy planning. In computer science and artificial intelligence, a scenario is a representation of a real-world situation for testing and training of intelligent systems and software.


a description of how things might happen in the future

một mô tả về cách mọi thứ có thể xảy ra trong tương lai

  • Let me suggest a possible scenario.

    Hãy để tôi đề xuất một kịch bản có thể xảy ra.

  • The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that could happen) would be for the factory to be closed down.

    Trường hợp xấu nhất (= điều tồi tệ nhất có thể xảy ra) sẽ là nhà máy bị đóng cửa.

  • a nightmare scenario

    kịch bản ác mộng

Extra examples:
  • Similar scenarios are playing out across the country.

    Kịch bản tương tự đang diễn ra trên khắp đất nước.

  • The more likely scenario is that interest rates will rise.

    Kịch bản có nhiều khả năng xảy ra hơn là lãi suất sẽ tăng.

  • Under any of these scenarios, the company will run into debt.

    Trong bất kỳ tình huống nào trong số này, công ty sẽ rơi vào cảnh nợ nần.

a written outline of what happens in a film or play

một bản phác thảo bằng văn bản về những gì xảy ra trong một bộ phim hoặc vở kịch

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