Definition of scatter


tiêu tan


The word "scatter" originated from the Old English word "scættan," which meant "to drive away" or "to disperse." This Old English word can be traced back to the Proto-Germanic root "*skett-," which meant "to drive" or "to push." As the English language evolved, the word "scatter" retained its meaning of "to disperse" or "to spread out." It has been used in this sense for centuries, ranging from describing the motion of seeds from a plant to the scattering of troops in battle. In modern English, "scatter" is commonly used as a transitive verb to indicate dispersing or spreading something to various locations. It can also be used as an intransitive verb to indicate that something is dispersing or spreading out on its own. The word "scatter" is also used as a noun to describe a scattered situation or state. In mathematics and statistics, "scatter" refers to a graphical representation of the distribution of data points. In short, the word "scatter" has its roots in Old English and retains its original meaning of "to disperse" or "to spread out" in modern English.


to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover an area of ground

ném hoặc thả đồ vật theo các hướng khác nhau để chúng bao phủ một diện tích mặt đất

  • They scattered his ashes at sea.

    Họ rải tro của ông xuống biển.

  • Scatter the grass seed over the lawn.

    Rải hạt cỏ trên bãi cỏ.

  • He banged his fist on the table and the chess pieces scattered over the floor.

    Anh ta đập tay xuống bàn và những quân cờ vương vãi khắp sàn.

  • Scatter the lawn with grass seed.

    Rải cỏ bằng hạt cỏ.

to move or to make people or animals move very quickly in different directions

di chuyển hoặc làm cho người hoặc động vật di chuyển rất nhanh theo các hướng khác nhau

  • At the first gunshot, the crowd scattered.

    Ở tiếng súng đầu tiên, đám đông tản ra.

  • The mice scattered when I entered the room.

    Lũ chuột chạy tán loạn khi tôi bước vào phòng.

  • The explosion scattered a flock of birds roosting in the trees.

    Vụ nổ làm phân tán một đàn chim đang đậu trên cây.

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