Definition of scalable


có thể mở rộng


The word "scalable" originated in the mid-19th century in the context of architecture. Back then, "scale" referred to the proportion and size of buildings, and a "scalable" design meant that a structure could be easily expanded or grown by adding more of the same components, while maintaining the same ratio or proportions. This concept was later applied to other fields, such as software and business, where it referred to the ability of a system, product, or process to adapt and grow while maintaining its efficiency and effectiveness. In the 1980s, the term gained popularity in the fields of computer science and engineering, describing systems that could handle increased workload or user traffic without a decrease in performance. Today, "scalable" is widely used to describe anything that can be easily adapted, grown, or expanded while maintaining its core characteristics.


used to describe a computer, a network, software, etc. that can be adapted to meet greater needs in the future

được sử dụng để mô tả máy tính, mạng, phần mềm, v.v. có thể được điều chỉnh để đáp ứng nhu cầu lớn hơn trong tương lai

  • A business database needs to be scalable.

    Cơ sở dữ liệu kinh doanh cần phải có khả năng mở rộng.

  • Many internet companies use highly scalable technology to reduce the requirement for many new employees.

    Nhiều công ty internet sử dụng công nghệ có khả năng mở rộng cao để giảm nhu cầu tuyển dụng nhiều nhân viên mới.

designed to work on a large or small scale, according to needs

được thiết kế để hoạt động ở quy mô lớn hoặc nhỏ, tùy theo nhu cầu

  • The printer has 80 scaleable fonts.

    Máy in có 80 phông chữ có thể mở rộng.

  • scalable graphics

    đồ họa có thể mở rộng

that can be climbed

có thể leo lên được