Definition of rush hour

rush hournoun

giờ cao điểm

/ˈrʌʃ aʊə/

Definition of undefined

The term "rush hour" originated in the late 19th century during the rise of industrialization and mass transit in major cities. As factories and businesses started operating on similar schedules, a surge of people commuting to and from work during specific times created a "rush" of activity. This peak period of congestion on roads and public transportation became known as "rush hour." The term first appeared in print in 1886, reflecting the growing impact of urbanization on daily life.


a time during each day when traffic is at its heaviest

thời điểm mỗi ngày khi giao thông đông đúc nhất

  • try to avoid travelling in the rush hour

    cố gắng tránh đi vào giờ cao điểm

  • rush hour traffic

    giao thông giờ cao điểm