Definition of rife


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The word "rife" comes from the Old English word "ryfan," which meant "open" or "loose." This evolved into the Middle English phrase "ryven" or "ryvene," which referred to the loose-fitting joints of an arrow in a quiver. As the English language developed, "rife" began to take on a wider meaning. By the late 1400s, it was being used to describe something that was abundant, plentiful, or prevalent. This usage likely came from the idea that a quiver full of arrows was plentiful and ready for use. Over time, "rife" came to be associated with disease as well. In the 1500s, "rife" began to be used to describe an epidemic or pandemic, likely from the idea that a population affected by a disease is similarly plentiful. Today, the word "rife" is often used figuratively to describe something that is prevalent or common, particularly in negative contexts such as "rife with corruption" or "rife with danger." However, it can also be used more simply to describe something that is abundant or prosperous, as in "rife with opportunities." In short, the modern meaning of the word "rife" can be traced back to its origins as a descriptor of the loose-fitting joints of arrows, and has evolved over time to encompass a wider range of meanings.


if something bad or unpleasant is rife in a place, it is very common there

nếu có điều gì đó tồi tệ hoặc khó chịu tràn lan ở một nơi thì nó rất phổ biến ở đó

  • It is a country where corruption is rife.

    Đó là một đất nước mà nạn tham nhũng tràn lan.

  • Rumours are rife that he is going to resign.

    Có tin đồn rằng ông sẽ từ chức.

Extra examples:
  • Cheating remains rife.

    Gian lận vẫn còn đầy rẫy.

  • Speculation was rife among the students.

    Sự suy đoán tràn lan trong giới sinh viên.

  • Corruption was rife in the south of the country.

    Tham nhũng tràn lan ở miền nam đất nước.

  • Racism was rife among the colonials.

    Chủ nghĩa phân biệt chủng tộc tràn lan trong giới thuộc địa.

  • Rumours have been rife in media circles all summer.

    Tin đồn đã tràn lan trên các phương tiện truyền thông suốt mùa hè.

  • Speculation is rife that the company is about to be sold.

    Có nhiều tin đồn cho rằng công ty sắp bị bán.

  • Temperatures were extreme and epidemics rife.

    Nhiệt độ rất khắc nghiệt và dịch bệnh lan tràn.

Related words and phrases

full of something bad or unpleasant

đầy một cái gì đó xấu hoặc khó chịu

  • Los Angeles is rife with gossip about the stars' private lives.

    Los Angeles đầy rẫy những tin đồn về đời tư của các ngôi sao.