Definition of readjustment


sự điều chỉnh lại


The word "readjustment" is a rather recent addition to the English language. It came into being in the mid-20th century, specifically in the 1950s. The term is a combination of "re-" (meaning again or anew) and "adjustment" (meaning the process of making something conform to a standard or desired state). In its earliest uses, "readjustment" referred primarily to the process of reorganizing or reconfiguring something, such as financial systems, institutional structures, or social policies, in response to changing circumstances or new information. Over time, the term has taken on broader connotations, encompassing not only technical or organizational adjustments but also personal changes, such as adjusting to new situations or re-evaluating one's priorities and goals. Today, "readjustment" is commonly used in a wide range of contexts, from business and finance to education and personal development.


a slight change to or movement of something

một sự thay đổi nhỏ hoặc chuyển động của cái gì đó

  • He has made a number of readjustments to his technique.

    Anh ấy đã thực hiện một số điều chỉnh cho kỹ thuật của mình.

the act of getting used to a changed or new situation

hành động làm quen với một tình huống mới hoặc đã thay đổi

  • a painful period of readjustment

    một thời gian đau đớn để điều chỉnh lại