Definition of pretension


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The word "pretension" originated in the late 16th century from the French verb "prétendre" which means "to claim" or "to pretend." The English adopted this term from the French and modified its pronunciation and spelling. In its earliest usage, "pretension" referred to a claim or declaration that was not fully justified or supported by evidence. It was used in legal contexts to describe false or exaggerated assertions made in court. Later, the usage of "pretension" expanded to include claims or aspirations that were unrealistic, impractical, or unfounded. Over time, "pretension" came to be associated with the qualities or attributes that were falsely claimed, rather than just the act of making a false claim. It came to denote an attempt to present oneself as more important, privileged, or accomplished than one really is. Today, "pretension" is commonly used in literary, artistic, and cultural contexts to describe works or expressions that aspire to a level of significance or sophistication beyond their true worth. It is also used to refer to individuals who affect a particular style or manner of behaving or speaking, but lack the genuine or authentic qualities they attempt to convey.


the act of trying to appear more important, intelligent, etc. than you are in order to impress other people

hành động cố gắng tỏ ra quan trọng hơn, thông minh hơn, v.v. hơn bạn để gây ấn tượng với người khác

  • intellectual pretensions

    giả vờ trí tuệ

  • The play mocks the pretensions of the new middle class.

    Vở kịch chế giễu sự kiêu ngạo của tầng lớp trung lưu mới.

  • He spoke without pretension.

    Anh ấy nói mà không giả vờ.

  • She was a bored housewife with social pretensions.

    Cô ấy là một bà nội trợ buồn chán với những quan điểm xã hội.

  • She was charmed by his lack of pretension.

    Cô bị quyến rũ bởi sự thiếu tự phụ của anh.

a claim to be or to do something

một yêu cầu để được hoặc để làm một cái gì đó

  • a building with no pretensions to architectural merit

    một tòa nhà không có giá trị kiến ​​trúc

  • The movie makes no pretension to reproduce life.

    Bộ phim không hề giả vờ tái tạo cuộc sống.