Definition of presuppose


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The word "presuppose" derives from Latin origin. The Latin word "praesupposere" is the root of this English term. "Praes" in Latin means "before," and "supposere" translates to "place" or "put." Thus, the literal meaning of "praesupposere" is "to place or put beforehand." In the Middle Ages, the term "presuppositions" referred to the concepts that must exist before other ideas could be considered valid. This meaning is still present in modern language, as "presuppose" often suggests that one idea or statement implicitly assumes another idea or statement to be true. The modern English word "presuppose" emerged during the late 16th century, replacing its old variant "presuppose." Its meaning was more focused on implying or assuming something before explicitly stating it. Over time, this usage became widely accepted and has remained consistent in modern English. Overall, the term "presuppose" signifies a preliminary or implicit acceptance or assumption of a particular notion or proposition, implying that this idea must exist or be true before further arguments or ideas can be considered valid.


to accept something as true or existing and act on that basis, before it has been proved to be true

chấp nhận điều gì đó là đúng hoặc tồn tại và hành động trên cơ sở đó trước khi nó được chứng minh là đúng

  • Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students.

    Giáo viên đôi khi giả định học sinh có trình độ kiến ​​thức khá cao.

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to depend on something in order to exist or be true

phụ thuộc vào một cái gì đó để tồn tại hoặc là sự thật

  • His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power.

    Lập luận của ông giả định trước rằng việc ai nắm quyền không quan trọng.

  • This argument presupposes that all children start off life with equal advantages.

    Lập luận này giả định rằng tất cả trẻ em đều bắt đầu cuộc sống với những lợi ích như nhau.

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