giáo khu
/ˈprezbɪtri//ˈprezbɪteri/The word "presbytery" originates from the Greek word "presbyteros," meaning "elder." In the early Christian Church, a presbyter was a senior cleric in a local congregation, responsible for leadership, pastoral care, and spiritual guidance. The term "presbytery" emerged in the 14th century to refer to the group of presbyters or elders who governed a particular church or region. Over time, the term evolved to describe the specific governing body of a local church or denomination. Today, the term "presbytery" is commonly used in Presbyterian, Reformed, and other Christian denominations to describe the administrative body of a local church or regional authority.
a local council of the Presbyterian Church
một hội đồng địa phương của Giáo hội Trưởng lão
a house where a Roman Catholic priest lives
một ngôi nhà nơi một linh mục Công giáo La Mã sống
part of a church, near the east end, beyond the choir
một phần của nhà thờ, gần đầu phía đông, phía sau dàn hợp xướng