Definition of powerhouse


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The term "powerhouse" originated in the mid-19th century in the United States. During this time, large industrial facilities, such as factories and power plants, were being built to drive industrial growth and innovation. These facilities were known as "powerhouses" because they generated and distributed electricity, steam, and other forms of power to fuel industrial production. The first recorded use of the term "powerhouse" dates back to 1842, when it was used to describe a steam-powered factory in New England. Over time, the term came to be associated not only with industrial facilities but also with individuals or organizations that were seen as sources of great strength, energy, or influence. In the early 20th century, the term "powerhouse" began to be used more broadly to describe anything that was seen as powerful, impressive, or influential, including athletes, politicians, and business leaders. Today, the term is commonly used in a variety of contexts to describe someone or something that is strong, dominant, or influential.


a group or an organization that is strong and effective in its activities

một nhóm hoặc một tổ chức mạnh mẽ và hiệu quả trong các hoạt động của mình

  • China has been described as an economic powerhouse.

    Trung Quốc được mô tả là một cường quốc kinh tế.

a person who is very strong and full of energy

một người rất mạnh mẽ và tràn đầy năng lượng