Definition of ply




The word "ply" has its roots in Old English. In its earliest form, "pli" or "plig" meant "to stretch" or "to pull", which is still a primary meaning of the word today. This sense of stretching or pulling can be seen in phrases such as "ply the ropes" or "ply the oars", where the word is used to describe the action of tensioning or manipulating something. Over time, the meaning of "ply" expanded to include senses such as "to wear away" or "to repeat", likely due to the idea of persistently stretching or pulling at something. For example, "ply the surface" might involve repeatedly wearing it down, while "ply one's trade" could involve consistently repeating a specific action. Today, the word "ply" is used in a range of contexts, including physics (as a unit of measurement), geography (as a type of coastal shoreline), and everyday language (to describe repeated action).


to travel regularly along a particular route or between two particular places

đi du lịch thường xuyên dọc theo một tuyến đường cụ thể hoặc giữa hai địa điểm cụ thể

  • Ferries ply across a narrow strait to the island.

    Phà chạy qua eo biển hẹp để đến đảo.

  • The train plies twice a day between Paris and Madrid.

    Tàu chạy hai lần một ngày giữa Paris và Madrid.

  • Buses ply regularly to and from these places.

    Xe buýt chạy thường xuyên đến và đi từ những nơi này.

  • canals plied by gondolas and steam boats

    những con kênh được bao quanh bởi thuyền gondola và thuyền hơi nước

  • ships plying the route between Tripoli and Malta

    tàu miệt mài tuyến đường giữa Tripoli và Malta

to use a tool, especially with skill

để sử dụng một công cụ, đặc biệt là với kỹ năng

  • The tailor delicately plied his needle.

    Người thợ may khéo léo khâu chiếc kim của mình.


ply for hire/trade/business
(British English)to look for customers, passengers, etc. in order to do business
  • taxis plying for hire outside the theatre
  • ply your trade
    to do your work or business
  • This is the restaurant where he plied his trade as a cook.
  • Drug dealers openly plied their trade in front of children.