Definition of pink


màu hồng


Definition of undefined

The word "pink" has a fascinating history! The term originated in the 17th century from the flower, which got its name from the ultraviolet light it reflects. The color pink was first mentioned in English in 1588, derived from the Old English word "pink", meaning "flower". The flower, which is also known as the pink shell, has a reddish-pink color due to the presence of anthocyanins. The term "pink" initially referred to the flower, but soon it started being used to describe the color itself. In the 18th century, the word "pink" became commonly used to describe the pale, tender colors of the flower. By the 19th century, the term had evolved to broadly describe a range of colors with a reddish hue. Today, the word "pink" is used globally to describe the vibrant and playful shade we know and love!


pale red in colour

màu đỏ nhạt

  • pale pink roses

    hoa hồng màu hồng nhạt

  • She went bright pink with embarrassment.

    Cô ấy đỏ bừng mặt vì xấu hổ.

  • The sun was now just a pink glow in the evening sky.

    Mặt trời bây giờ chỉ còn là ánh hồng rực rỡ trên bầu trời buổi tối.

  • She was wearing a hot (= bright) pink top.

    Cô ấy đang mặc một chiếc áo màu hồng nóng bỏng (= sáng).

  • Outside, the sky is turning pink.

    Bên ngoài, bầu trời đang chuyển sang màu hồng.

Extra examples:
  • He was pink with anger.

    Anh ta đỏ mặt vì tức giận.

  • She could feel herself going pink.

    Cô có thể cảm thấy mình đang hồng hào.

  • The western sky was glowing pink.

    Bầu trời phía Tây rực hồng.

Related words and phrases

connected with gay people

kết nối với người đồng tính

  • the pink pound (= money spent by gays and lesbians as an influence in the economy)

    đồng bảng hồng (= tiền được người đồng tính nam và đồng tính nữ chi tiêu như một ảnh hưởng trong nền kinh tế)

having or showing slightly left-wing political views

có hoặc thể hiện quan điểm chính trị hơi cánh tả

  • pale pink politics

    chính trị màu hồng nhạt

Related words and phrases