Definition of pascal




The word "pascal" originates from Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, mathematician, and physicist. Born in 1623, Pascal made significant contributions to the fields of mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He was a pioneer in the study of probability and calculus, and his work on the probability of a convergence test is named after him. The term "pascal" was coined in the early 18th century and was initially used to describe the unit of pressure named after Pascal. Specifically, it is defined as the pressure required to produce a force of one Newton per square meter. Over time, the name "pascal" has also been used to describe units of measurement in other fields, such as fluid dynamics and engineering. Today, the pascal (Pa) is widely used as a unit of measurement in science and technology.


the standard unit for measuring pressure

đơn vị chuẩn để đo áp suất

a language used for writing programs for computer systems

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