Definition of paltry


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The word "paltry" has a rich history. It originated from the Latin word "parvus," which means "small" or "little." The Latin word was used in various forms, including "parvulus" and "parvitium," to describe something of little importance or value. The word "paltry" entered the English language in the 14th century, borrowed from Old French "petour," which is derived from Latin "parvus." Initially, "paltry" meant "small" or " insignificant," but it soon took on a negative connotation, describing something as worthless, worthless, or of little account. Over time, the word "paltry" has evolved to encompass a sense of inadequacy or insufficiency, often used to describe efforts, resources, or achievements that are unimpressive or lacking. Today, the word is widely used to convey a sense of disappointment or dismay, as in "the party was paltry and lacked excitement."


too small to be considered as important or useful

quá nhỏ để được coi là quan trọng hoặc hữu ích

  • This account offers a paltry 1 per cent return on your investment.

    Tài khoản này mang lại lợi nhuận nhỏ 1% cho khoản đầu tư của bạn.

  • a paltry sum

    một khoản tiền nhỏ

  • They worked long hours for paltry wages.

    Họ làm việc nhiều giờ với đồng lương ít ỏi.

Related words and phrases

having no value or useful qualities

không có giá trị hoặc phẩm chất hữu ích

  • a paltry gesture

    một cử chỉ nhỏ nhặt