Definition of outward


bề ngoài


The word "outward" originated in Old English, where it was spelled "uttward" and pronounced "ūtweard". Its roots lie in the Old English words "ut", meaning "out" or " exterior", and "weard", meaning "keeper" or "guardian". When used in Old English, the term "utward" referred to something that was facing outward, such as an object that was outside or something that was being protected from the outside. It could also refer to someone or something that was located outside, such as an outlying village or the troops stationed outside a castle. As the English language evolved over time, the spelling and pronunciation of "outward" changed. By the Middle English period, it was spelled "utward" and pronounced "ütwerd". During the 16th century, the letter "w" was dropped from the spelling and the word was pronounced "uttward". Today, it is spelled "outward" and is pronounced "out-weard". In modern English, the word "outward" is still used to describe things that are facing outward, such as the outward appearance of a person, or things that are located outside, such as an outward-bound journey. It can also be used to describe the outer layer or surface of something, such as the outward coat of a pine nut.


connected with the way people or things seem to be rather than with what is actually true

được kết nối với cách mọi người hoặc mọi thứ dường như hơn là với những gì thực sự đúng

  • Mark showed no outward signs of distress.

    Mark không hề tỏ ra dấu hiệu đau khổ nào bên ngoài.

  • She simply observes the outward forms of religion.

    Cô ấy chỉ đơn giản quan sát những hình thức tôn giáo bên ngoài.

  • To all outward appearances (= as far as it was possible to judge from the outside) they were perfectly happy.

    Đối với tất cả các hình thức bên ngoài (= theo như có thể đánh giá từ bên ngoài) họ hoàn toàn hạnh phúc.

  • There were no outward signs that the house was inhabited.

    Không có dấu hiệu bên ngoài nào cho thấy ngôi nhà có người ở.

Related words and phrases

going away from a particular place, especially one that you are going to return to

đi xa khỏi một nơi cụ thể, đặc biệt là một nơi mà bạn sẽ quay trở lại

  • the outward voyage/journey

    chuyến đi/cuộc hành trình ra nước ngoài

away from the centre or a particular point

xa trung tâm hoặc một điểm cụ thể

  • outward movement

    chuyển động hướng ngoại

  • outward investment (= in other countries)

    đầu tư ra nước ngoài (= ở các nước khác)

  • Managers need to become more outward-looking (= more open to new ideas).

    Người quản lý cần trở nên hướng ngoại hơn (= cởi mở hơn với những ý tưởng mới).

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