Definition of opera


nhạc kịch, ô-pê-ra


Definition of undefined

The word "opera" originates from Latin, where it is derived from the word "operare," meaning "to work" or "to do." The Latin term "opera" referred to a theatrical performance that involved a variety of elements, including music, singing, dancing, and drama. The word "opera" was first used in the 14th century to describe the new form of theatrical entertainment that emerged in Italy. During this time, the term "opera" referred to a musical drama that combined elements of commedia dell'arte, masque, and Baroque music. The first Italian opera, "Euridice," was written by Jacopo Peri and was performed in 1600. Over time, the word "opera" spread to other parts of Europe, and the art form evolved to include a wide range of styles, genres, and languages. Today, the word "opera" is used to describe a specific type of theatrical performance that combines music, singing, and dramatic action.


a dramatic work in which all or most of the words are sung to music; works of this type as an art form or entertainment

một tác phẩm kịch trong đó tất cả hoặc hầu hết các từ được hát theo nhạc; tác phẩm thuộc loại này như một hình thức nghệ thuật hoặc giải trí

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