Definition of omnivorous


ăn tạp


The word "omnivorous" originated in the mid-17th century from the Latin words "omni," meaning "all," and "vorus," meaning "devouring" or "eater." In the biological sense, an omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals as its primary source of nutrition. The term was first used in the 1650s to describe the eating habits of humans and other animals that consumed a wide variety of foods. Over time, the term has been adapted to describe the dietary habits of various animal species, including birds, fish, and mammals. Today, the term "omnivorous" is widely used in fields such as biology, ecology, and food science to describe the diverse eating habits of many living organisms.


eating all types of food, especially both plants and meat

ăn tất cả các loại thực phẩm, đặc biệt là cả thực vật và thịt

Related words and phrases

having wide interests in a particular area or activity

có sở thích rộng rãi trong một lĩnh vực hoặc hoạt động cụ thể

  • She has always been an omnivorous reader.

    Cô ấy luôn là một người đọc sách tạp nham.