Definition of opportunistic


cơ hội


The word "opportunistic" originated in the 17th century from the Latin words "opportunitas," meaning "opportune moment," and the suffix "-istic," meaning "pertaining to." The term was first used to describe individuals or actions that take advantage of favorable circumstances or opportunities. In biology, the term later gained a specific meaning, referring to organisms that exploit available resources or prey opportunistically, without a specific attachment to a particular habitat or host. This concept has since been applied to various fields, including business, politics, and ecology, to describe entities that adapt to changing circumstances or seize opportunities as they arise. Throughout its development, the word "opportunistic" has maintained its primary connotation of seizing advantageous situations, reflecting the Latin root's emphasis on "opportune moment."


making use of an opportunity, especially to get an advantage for yourself; not done in a planned way

tận dụng cơ hội, đặc biệt là để có lợi cho bản thân; không được thực hiện theo cách có kế hoạch

harmful to people whose immune system has been made weak by disease or drugs

có hại cho những người có hệ thống miễn dịch bị suy yếu do bệnh tật hoặc thuốc

  • an opportunistic infection

    một bệnh nhiễm trùng cơ hội

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