Definition of nursery


vườn ươm


The word "nursery" originates from the Old French word "nourice," meaning "nurse" or "baby attendant." This term was used to describe a space where a wet nurse or nurse would care for a child, typically in a domestic setting. Over time, the term "nursery" evolved to refer not only to the person caring for the child but also to the room or space where they were cared for. In the 14th century, the term "nursery" gained popularity, and by the 16th century, it was commonly used to describe a room specifically designed for the care and education of young children. Today, a nursery can refer to a childcare facility, a room in a home for young children, or even a garden where plants are grown. I hope that's a helpful briefing on the origins of the word "nursery"!


a place where young children are cared for while their parents are at work; a day nursery or nursery school

nơi trẻ nhỏ được chăm sóc trong khi cha mẹ chúng đi làm; nhà trẻ hoặc trường mẫu giáo

  • Her youngest child is at nursery now.

    Đứa con út của cô hiện đang ở nhà trẻ.

  • The children are at nursery three days a week.

    Trẻ em ở nhà trẻ ba ngày một tuần.

Related words and phrases

a room in a house where a baby sleeps

một căn phòng trong nhà nơi em bé ngủ

a room in a house where young children can play

một căn phòng trong nhà nơi trẻ nhỏ có thể chơi

a place where young plants and trees are grown for sale or for planting somewhere else

nơi mà cây non và cây gỗ được trồng để bán hoặc để trồng ở nơi khác