Definition of nightcap


mũ ngủ


The origin of the word "nightcap" dates back to the 17th century. A nightcap was originally a type of loose-fitting cap worn to bed, typically made of cotton or wool. The term "nightcap" referred to this type of headgear, which was designed to keep one's head warm during sleep. In the 18th century, the term "nightcap" took on a new meaning. It began to be used to describe a small, sweet or spirited drink consumed before retiring to bed, often to help with relaxation and induce a good night's sleep. This practice was popular among the upper classes in Europe and the United States. Today, the term "nightcap" is still used to describe a sleep-inducing drink, often featuring a relaxing ingredient such as chamomile or lavender. It can also refer to a small, sweet beverage enjoyed before bedtime, such as a glass of wine or a cup of hot chocolate.


a drink, usually containing alcohol, taken before going to bed

một thức uống, thường chứa cồn, uống trước khi đi ngủ

(in the past) a soft cap worn in bed

(trong quá khứ) một chiếc mũ mềm đội trên giường