Definition of munch


nhai tóp tép


The origins of the word "munch" can be traced back to the Middle English language, specifically the word "mungen," which meant "to chew loudly." Around the 15th century, this word evolved into the Old English word "myngan," which meant "to mingle or blend together," referring to the act of chewing food thoroughly. During the 16th century, the phrase "munching and mowing" emerged, which meant "chewing and talking loudly at the same time," likely due to the noisy sound of crunching and smacking of the mouth. This phrase eventually became simplified into "munching," as we know it today. The use of "munch" to describe eating habits can be found as far back as the Middle English period, where it was used to describe the action of "grazing" on food, much like how cows graze in a field. This reflected the idea of nibbling or snacking on food constantly, rather than consuming large meals all at once. In summary, the word "munch" evolved from the Middle English word "mungen" which described the loud, chewing sound of food being consumed, and eventually took on the meaning of "grazing" or "snacking" on food.

  • Sarah couldn't stop munching on popcorn during the movie.

    Sarah không thể ngừng nhai bỏng ngô trong suốt quá trình xem phim.

  • As I worked on my computer, I mindlessly munched on a bag of carrots.

    Trong lúc làm việc trên máy tính, tôi vô tình nhai một túi cà rốt.

  • Thomas snuck into the kitchen late at night to munch on some leftover cake.

    Thomas lẻn vào bếp vào đêm muộn để nhai chút bánh còn thừa.

  • The baby loved to munch on his favorite teething ring.

    Em bé thích nhai chiếc vòng ngậm nướu yêu thích của mình.

  • After school, Max would munch on a handful of crackers before starting his homework.

    Sau giờ học, Max sẽ nhai một nắm bánh quy trước khi bắt đầu làm bài tập về nhà.

  • Megan's favorite pastime was to munch on a bunch of grapes while scrolling through social media.

    Trò tiêu khiển yêu thích của Megan là nhai nho trong khi lướt mạng xã hội.

  • The horse would nuzzle its nostrils into the haystack, munching contentedly.

    Con ngựa sẽ dụi mũi vào đống cỏ khô và nhai một cách thỏa mãn.

  • During happy hour, the group would munch on complimentary bar snacks like peanuts and pretzels.

    Trong giờ vui vẻ, nhóm sẽ thưởng thức các món ăn nhẹ miễn phí như đậu phộng và bánh quy xoắn.

  • There was a constant munching sound coming from the cubicle next door as Emily snacked on candy bars.

    Tiếng nhai kẹo liên tục phát ra từ phòng bên cạnh khi Emily đang ăn vặt những thanh kẹo.

  • James felt guilty as he munched on his bag of cookies, vowing to start a healthier diet tomorrow.

    James cảm thấy tội lỗi khi nhai túi bánh quy của mình, thề sẽ bắt đầu chế độ ăn uống lành mạnh hơn vào ngày mai.