Definition of multitask


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The word "multitask" originated in the 1960s in the context of computer programming. It referred to the ability of a computer to perform multiple tasks or operations simultaneously. The term was coined by computer programmers who were working on large-scale mainframe systems. They needed to create a program that could handle multiple users, tasks, and processes simultaneously, hence the term "multitasking." The first known use of the word "multitask" in print was in 1963 in the publication "Datamation," a magazine that catered to computer professionals. The term gained popularity in the 1970s and 1980s as computers became more widespread and multitasking capabilities improved. Today, the term "multitask" is widely used in various contexts, including business, education, and everyday life, to describe the ability to handle multiple tasks or responsibilities simultaneously.


to operate several programs at the same time

để vận hành nhiều chương trình cùng một lúc

to do several things at the same time

làm nhiều việc cùng một lúc

  • Women seem to be able to multitask better than men.

    Phụ nữ dường như có khả năng làm nhiều việc cùng lúc tốt hơn nam giới.