Definition of movable


di chuyển


The origin of the word "movable" can be traced back to the Old French word "movable," which was derived from the Latin word "movere," meaning "to move." In Middle English, the word was spelled as "mouvebull" or "movable," which was a combination of the Old French word and the English suffix "-able." The word "movable" initially referred to objects that could be moved, such as furniture, equipment, or tools. It emphasized the quality of being able to move, unlike immovable objects, which were stationary and fixed. In the context of printing, the word "movable" came to describe individual metal type pieces, each carved with a different letter or character, that could be easily moved and arranged to form words and paragraphs. Before the advent of movable type, texts were written out by hand, making reproduction and distribution of texts difficult and time-consuming. The ability to move and rearrange type pieces significantly improved the efficiency and speed of printing, allowing for mass production of printed materials. Moreover, Jungki Seo and Graviori explain in their paper "Masculine and Feminine Nature: Moveable Type in Korea and Europe," how "movable type" revolutionized printing beyond improved speed and efficiency, by also making it possible to print more complex texts, such as books with multiple volumes, footnotes, and references. The implications of such technological innovations would have wide-ranging effects on intellectual exchange, accessibility to knowledge, and dissemination of information, as researchers and authors could now publish and share more widely, expediently, and affordably. In conclusion, the word "movable" as it is commonly used today, in the context of print and electronic media, highlights the portability and flexibility of text that can be swiftly and cursorily amended or transferred from one medium to another, emphasizing the dynamic convergence and proliferation of content across digital, print, and multimedia platforms.


that can be moved from one place or position to another

có thể được di chuyển từ nơi này hoặc vị trí khác

  • movable partitions

    vách ngăn di động

  • a doll with a movable head

    một con búp bê có đầu di chuyển được

able to be taken from one house, etc. to another

có thể được đưa từ một ngôi nhà, vv đến một ngôi nhà khác


have/want none of something
to refuse to accept something
  • I offered to pay but he was having none of it.
  • They pretended to be enthusiastic about my work but then suddenly decided they wanted none of it.
  • none but
  • None but he knew the truth.
  • none the less
    despite this fact
    none other than
    used to emphasize who or what somebody/something is, when this is surprising
  • Her first customer was none other than Mrs Obama.