Definition of mourning


tang chế


The word "mourning" traces back to the Old French word "morner," meaning "to grieve" or "to lament." This word itself derived from the Latin "murnus," which meant "a gift to the dead," likely referring to the offerings given during funeral rites. The concept of mourning, therefore, has roots in the ancient practice of expressing grief and paying respects to the deceased through rituals and offerings. The word itself has evolved to encompass the emotional and social aspects of grieving, as well as the outward expressions of sorrow.


the feeling of being sad that you have and show because somebody has died

cảm giác buồn bã mà bạn có và thể hiện vì ai đó đã chết

  • The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims.

    Chính phủ đã công bố ngày quốc tang cho các nạn nhân.

  • She was still in mourning for her husband.

    Cô vẫn còn đang than khóc cho chồng mình.

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clothes that people wear to show that they are sad at somebody’s death

quần áo mọi người mặc để thể hiện rằng họ đau buồn trước cái chết của ai đó

  • The queen was dressed in mourning.

    Hoàng hậu mặc đồ tang.

  • She was still in full mourning six months after her son's death.

    Bà vẫn còn để tang sáu tháng sau cái chết của con trai bà.

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