Definition of miracle


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The word "miracle" comes from the Latin word "miraculum," which means "something wonderful" or "an event worthy of wonder." The religious significance of the word can be traced back to the Christian faith, where it refers to an extraordinary event or happening that appears to defy the laws of nature and science, but is believed to be a manifestation of God's divine intervention. In Catholic theology, miracles are supernatural acts that serve as evidence of God's presence and power, and they are often associated with religious figures such as saints. The concept of miracles is also found in other religions, such as Judaism and Islam, where they are viewed as signs of God's power and mercy. However, the definition and acceptance of miracles vary among different religious and philosophical traditions. Some people view them as simply extraordinary occurrences that can be explained by scientific or psychological factors, while others believe in their supernatural nature as evidence of spiritual truths. Regardless of one's perspective, the word "miracle" continues to evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and mystery, and it remains an essential component of religious traditions and cultural belief systems around the world.


an act or event that does not follow the laws of nature and is believed to be caused by God

một hành động hoặc sự kiện không tuân theo quy luật tự nhiên và được cho là do Chúa gây ra

  • the miracle of rising from the grave

    phép lạ sống lại từ nấm mồ

Related words and phrases

a lucky thing that happens that you did not expect or think was possible

một điều may mắn xảy ra mà bạn không mong đợi hoặc nghĩ là có thể xảy ra

  • an economic miracle

    một điều kỳ diệu về kinh tế

  • a miracle cure/drug

    một phương thuốc/thuốc kỳ diệu

  • It's a miracle (that) nobody was killed in the crash.

    Thật là một phép lạ (rằng) không ai thiệt mạng trong vụ tai nạn.

  • It would take a miracle to make this business profitable.

    Sẽ cần một phép lạ để làm cho hoạt động kinh doanh này có lãi.

Extra examples:
  • It would take a miracle to get the old car going again.

    Sẽ cần phải có phép lạ để chiếc xe cũ có thể hoạt động trở lại.

  • The letter's survival is something of a minor miracle.

    Sự sống sót của bức thư chỉ là một phép lạ nhỏ.

  • There is still no miracle cure for this condition.

    Hiện vẫn chưa có phương pháp chữa trị thần kỳ nào cho tình trạng này.

Related words and phrases

a very good example or product of something

một ví dụ hay sản phẩm rất hay của một cái gì đó

  • The car is a miracle of engineering.

    Chiếc xe là một phép lạ của kỹ thuật.

  • A colony of bees is a miracle of organization.

    Một đàn ong là một phép lạ của tổ chức.

Related words and phrases

Related words and phrases


work/perform miracles
to achieve very good results
  • Her exercise programme has worked miracles for her.
  • You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips.
  • He performed miracles to get everything ready in time.