Definition of milk round

milk roundnoun

sữa tròn

/ˈmɪlk raʊnd//ˈmɪlk raʊnd/

The term "milk round" originated in the United Kingdom in the early 20th century to describe the daily delivery of fresh milk to households by milkmen on horse-drawn carts or ice floats in winter. "Round" in this context refers to the route taken by the milkman, which varied from one household to another depending on the distance and proximity. As the practice declined due to the increasing popularity of pasteurized milk and supermarkets, the term "milk round" became a nostalgic memory of a bygone era. Today, it is widely used in British English to describe job interviews and selection processes that involve meeting multiple potential employers or companies, as these processes often follow a circuitous route similar to the milkman's rounds.


the job of going from house to house regularly, delivering milk; the route taken by somebody doing this job

công việc đi từ nhà này sang nhà khác thường xuyên, giao sữa; tuyến đường mà một người làm công việc này đi qua

(in Britain) a series of visits that large companies make each year to colleges and universities, to talk to students who are interested in working for them

(ở Anh) một loạt các chuyến thăm mà các công ty lớn thực hiện hàng năm tới các trường cao đẳng và đại học để nói chuyện với những sinh viên quan tâm đến việc làm việc cho họ