Definition of metalwork


đồ kim loại


The term "metalwork" has its roots in the 15th century. The word "metal" comes from the Old English phrase "metallum," which is derived from the Latin "metallum." During this time, metalworking referred to the extraction and processing of metals, particularly gold, silver, and copper. In the 16th century, the term "work" was added to "metal" to describe the physical labor and craftsmanship involved in shaping and manufacturing metal into various forms. Over time, the term "metalwork" emerged to encompass a broad range of processes, including blacksmithing, welding, soldering, and other techniques used to create metal objects, structures, and decorative pieces. Today, metalwork encompasses a wide range of activities, from industrial manufacturing to art crafting, and includes techniques such as machining, casting, forging, and fabrication.


the activity of making objects out of metal; objects that are made out of metal

hoạt động làm ra các vật thể bằng kim loại; các vật thể được làm bằng kim loại

  • a class in metalwork

    một lớp học về kim loại

  • a piece of ornamental metalwork

    một mảnh kim loại trang trí

the metal parts of something

các bộ phận kim loại của một cái gì đó

  • cracks in the metalwork

    vết nứt trên đồ kim loại