Definition of medical officer

medical officernoun

nhân viên y tế

/ˈmedɪkl ɒfɪsə(r)//ˈmedɪkl ɑːfɪsər/

The term "medical officer" can be traced back to the 19th century, when the concept of modern medicine and organized healthcare systems began to emerge. In Britain, the army and navy had already started appointing medical practitioners to attend to the health needs of their personnel, and the role of these individuals came to be known as "medical officer." The position of medical officer was officially established in 1813 when the British War Office created the "Surgeon to the Forces" position, which supervised the healthcare of soldiers. Over time, this position evolved into the "Assistant Surgeon" and then "Medical Inspector" roles, all of which were precursors to the modern-day medical officer position. The term "medical officer" was adopted in other English-speaking countries as well, and has since been used to refer to individuals who provide medical care and supervision in a variety of settings, including healthcare facilities, government agencies, organizations, and businesses. Today, the duties of a medical officer can vary widely depending on the context, but generally involve diagnosing and treating illnesses and injuries, administering medical care to patients, providing health-related advice and guidance, and managing teams of healthcare workers. In summary, the term "medical officer" originated in the mid-19th century, when military organizations began appointing medical practitioners to attend to the health needs of their personnel, and has since become a widely used term to describe individuals who offer medical care and supervision in a variety of settings.

  • The medical officer at the hospital conducted a thorough examination of the patient.

    Cán bộ y tế tại bệnh viện đã tiến hành kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng bệnh nhân.

  • The retired army medic now works as a medical officer for a remote village in Africa.

    Người lính quân y đã nghỉ hưu hiện đang làm nhân viên y tế tại một ngôi làng xa xôi ở Châu Phi.

  • The medical officer on duty at the clinic prescribed antibiotics for the patient's infection.

    Cán bộ y tế trực tại phòng khám đã kê đơn thuốc kháng sinh để điều trị nhiễm trùng cho bệnh nhân.

  • The director of the healthcare facility appointed a new medical officer to oversee the department.

    Giám đốc cơ sở chăm sóc sức khỏe đã bổ nhiệm một cán bộ y tế mới để giám sát khoa.

  • The medical officer advised the pregnant woman to monitor her blood sugar levels closely.

    Nhân viên y tế khuyên người phụ nữ mang thai nên theo dõi chặt chẽ lượng đường trong máu.

  • The medical officer at the airport checks passengers for symptoms of contagious diseases before allowing them to board.

    Nhân viên y tế tại sân bay kiểm tra hành khách xem có triệu chứng bệnh truyền nhiễm nào không trước khi cho phép họ lên máy bay.

  • The retired naval surgeon now works as a medical officer for a cruise ship.

    Bác sĩ phẫu thuật hải quân đã nghỉ hưu hiện đang làm nhân viên y tế trên một tàu du lịch.

  • The medical officer instructed the nurse to administer a tetanus shot to the injured worker.

    Cán bộ y tế hướng dẫn y tá tiêm vắc-xin uốn ván cho công nhân bị thương.

  • The medical officer in charge of the ICU advised the family to make a difficult decision about their loved one's treatment.

    Nhân viên y tế phụ trách khoa ICU đã khuyên gia đình đưa ra quyết định khó khăn về việc điều trị cho người thân của họ.

  • The medical officer provided the officer with a fitness-for-duty evaluation before she could return to active service.

    Nhân viên y tế đã đánh giá khả năng làm nhiệm vụ của sĩ quan trước khi cô ấy có thể quay trở lại phục vụ.

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